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  • What is educational therapy?
    "Educational Therapy is a form of therapy used to treat individuals with learning differences, disabilities, and challenges. This form of therapy offers a wide range of intensive interventions that are designed to resolve learners' learning problems. These interventions are individualized and unique to the specific learner. Educational therapists collaborate with all the significant people concerned with the student’s learning, and they focus not only on remediation but also on building self-awareness and underlying learning skills to help clients become more self-reliant, efficient learners." - Association of Educational Therapists ​ For more information about educational therapy services provided by UnmaskEd, click here.
  • What is the difference between educational therapy and tutoring?
    Educational therapists provide individualized intensive intervention for students with a variety of learning disabilities and challenges. Educational therapists use evidence based strategies for improving academic skills and executive functioning. ​ The goal of an educational therapist is to identify underlying issues impacting learning. A tutor provides homework and studying assistance to help a student keep up or catch up to what is being taught in their classroom.
  • Is therapy virtual or in person?
    All educational therapy sessions with students are in person. Most commonly, sessions are located at the Lafayette Public Library. Consultations, coaching, and meetings occur virtually.
  • Where are therapy sessions?
    Evaluations take place at Lafayette Public Library, unless another location is arranged in advance. Therapy sessions take place in a variety of locations including libraries, playgrounds, and sensory gyms/museums. Contact us for more information. At this time, UnmaskEd does not treat in a clinic or in homes.
  • Where did the name 'UnmaskEd' come from?
    UnmaskEd’s name is derived from the strong belief that children should not have to mask their true selves in order to learn. We cannot control the mask they wear in school, in social settings, or elsewhere. But we can strive to be their safe space where they can be themselves while learning.
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