Our Services
Educational Therapy Process
Intake and What to Expect
Initial Consultation
Sign up for an initial consultation. Initial consultations are free of charge and will last 15 minutes. After creating an account with UnmaskEd, you can schedule your initial consultation through your account.
After initial consultation, caregiver(s) will be asked to complete an intake form prior to evaluation of your child.
Please plan on having this submitted within 10 days or before the first evaluation sessions, whichever occurs first.
Evaluation: An academic evaluation will be completed by UnmaskEd, LLC. Evaluation will take 3-6 one hour sessions, depending on each child. At this point, it is also very helpful if any evaluations or IEPs completed by your child's school are shared with UnmaskEd.​
*Please note the evaluation process is highly individualized and dynamic. Some children will do best with a traditional assessment, while most preform best with a play-based, child-led approach.
Report: After the final evaluation session, you will receive a written evaluation report, which will serve as a body of evidence for which supports and interventions are most appropriate for your child. You may then schedule sessions for your child or request a post evaluation consult call (30 minutes) meeting with UnmaskEd, LLC to review the report, ask questions, and collaborate on your child's goals.
Start of Services
UnmaskEd, LLC offers 3 session packages-- 10, 20, or 30 sessions (~55 minutes per session). Each session will be individualized for your child's strengths, needs, and goals.
Location of session will be discussed upon scheduling. Common locations for sessions: public library, park, etc.
All sessions, including your initial consultation, are scheduled through Simple Practice.​​
IEP Advocacy
Advocacy can look different based on your family's needs, and may go beyond what is listed below. Please reach out if your family's advocacy needs are not listed below.
IEP Meeting Advocacy
Attendance at your child's IEP meeting to:
ensure you understand the information presented to you
your child's and your own needs are met
your voice is heard.
Service includes:
IEP draft review
30 minute pre-meeting, virtual consultation to prepare ​​
*Draft must be provided at least 48 hours prior to IEP meeting
IEP Review
Review of IEP (current or draft) with notes including recommendations for possible goal/accommodation changes or next steps.
Service includes:
IEP review
Written feedback
30 minute virtual consultation
IEP Team Consultation
After both parties have received signed consent to release information to one another, we are happy to consult with your child's IEP team or related providers.
Service options:
Email/phone calls/check ins with team
Formal in person or virtual meetings
*Advocacy provided in person or virtually based on availability and parent preference
*Virtual services available nationally
Navigating special education is hard...Let us help!
UnmaskEd can provide you with education about how IEPs work, when they may or may not be needed, and how to navigate all of their components.
Insight in their educational therapy work
The beauty of caregiver coaching is that you get to collaborate with your child's service provider and learn to carry over what is being done in therapy. When we work as a team, you would be surprised the things that would be accomplished.
*Parent coaching is never intended to tell you how to parent, tell you your parenting style is right or wrong, or to imply we know your child better than you-- we know that is never the case. ​
*Your child does not have to be receiving educational therapy services from UnmaskEd in order for you to utilize this service. We will meet virtually to discuss your personal support needs.​
Caregiver Coaching: $40 per 30 minutes